Top 5 Things Your Jacksonville Property Manager Should Be Doing

Good afternoon, guys. It's Kris Bruce with Green River property management. I wanted to take a second to hop on today to let you guys know the top five things that your property manager should be doing right now as we finish off the last few months of 2020 and as we head into 2021. And I'll also detail why these five things are so important now more than ever.

  1. Tenant Screening

    So number one is they should be paying extra care and attention to when they are screening your tenants these days. So the main reason for that is I'm sure everyone is aware of the moratoriums that are out there, you know, banning evictions as well as those CDC guidelines, et cetera. So now more than ever, it's really important to make sure you get someone solid in there to make sure you're going to secure a tenant that's going to perform well for you. So once you get that tenant secured, the second most important thing is to make sure we're following that up with a detailed move in inspection.

  2. Move-In Inspections

    So you guys would I'm floored these days when I see people sending me take-over checklists of a move in inspection. That is just a simple checklist, yes or no. Do you really think that's going to protect you as a property owner if something happens down the line? I mean, there is that is just a free for all. So you should be getting a detailed inspection. For example, our company uses 360 degree interior and exterior photos. And honestly, with all the technology that's out there today, there is no reason that we need to be using paper checklists. We definitely you should have someone that's gonna be up on the technology because that gives you better protection. Protect your investment, your home, your money, et cetera.

  3. Communication

    So once we do all that, the next most important thing this will be number three is that we want to keep open lines of communication with that tenant throughout the onboarding process. And once we place them as well, because if anything should come up, you know, you want to have a good rapport and a good relationship with that tenant. So number four, and this goes along with communication. Is that property manager should be relaying all of this information and being sure that they keep you as the property owner in the loop. You should never be having to reach out to them for information or with questions, things that are clear. They should be coming to you first. All right.

  4. Maintenance / Work Order System

    Number five, once we get all of those things down pat, it's really important to make sure that they have a system to monitor other work orders 24/7 and for a response to be able to always get back to that tenant. You don't want things coming up and it's taking, you know, days for things to get resolved. Absolutely not. And again, this goes back to with today's technology, you should be able to see things and get back to people like that, and then they'll be able to keep everyone in the loop as well.

So those are my top five things that your property manager should absolutely be doing for you right now. And if they are not, I will leave my contact information down here, feel free to reach out to me. Questions, increase concerns, anything, you name it. So thank you so much and have a good afternoon.

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